Become a Member or Donate TODAY!
*Any amount is very much appreciated! $5, $10, $25 or more.
*Please mail to PO Box 218, Hotchkiss CO 81419 or drop by the Creamery during open hours.
Community Member - $40
* Receive Creamery typically monthly newsletter via email
* This is a fully deductible donation under the IRS
* Receive our heartfelt thanks for supporting your local arts center
Artist Member - $100
* Display space for artwork for one year
* Membership year runs from January through December. Prorated if joined mid year
* Sales staff who are familiar with your work
* Listing on the Creamery website
* Marketing and promotion of the Creamery as a destination for both visitors and local shoppers
* Gift Shop space for items that retail under $50 each, on space available basis
Gift Shop Member - $50
* Display space in Gift Shop for one year (retail pricing under $50)
* Membership year runs from January through December. Prorated if joined mid year
* Sales staff who are familiar with your work
* Signage that directs shoppers to your website
Group Member - $75
* Display space for artwork (works to be chosen and maintained by the group)
OR One Group Show per year
* Marketing and promotion of the Creamery as a destination for both visitors and local shoppers
* Marketing and promotion of the Show on the Creamery website, through social media and via the Creamery newsletter
* Meeting space FREE as available
Business Member - $120
* Business logo will appear on all Creamery newsletters
* Business listing on the Creamery website
* Recognition of support at one monthly Show Opening Reception
Sponsor Level
This level is very critical to our ongoing financial health.
Patron $250
Corporate Sponsor $500
Benefactor $1000
* Sponsors may designate how their donations are to be used.
* All sponsors will be listed on our website, unless otherwise instructed.